Week at a Glance
ELA Unit 4 assessment on Tuesday
- To apply the bonus letter spelling rule: ff, ll, ss, and sometimes zz
- To apply the glued sound: all
- To understand the narrative story form: character, setting, main events
- To apply punctuation: exclamation point, quotation marks
- To read with accuracy and prosody
- To practice phonemic awareness skills: sound manipulation (initial, final, medial)
- To apply the glued sounds: am and an
- To generate and answer questions about Green Eggs and Ham using key details
- To understand ten and some more
- To understand place value: tens and ones
- To make a table to problem solve
- To understand place value: numbers to 100
- To define the term "veteran" and understand who is considered a veteran.
- To understand the importance of Veterans Day and why it is celebrated.
- To investigate vibrations as a source of sound effects for movies. In the activity, Be a Sound Effects Artist, students use their hands and feet to create a "rainstorm," and then use rulers to create a “boing” sound for a cartoon bouncy ball.
- To identify psalms as songs and poems of prayer
- To explain that Ordinary Time is a time to show our thanks for God’s creation and for the gifts God gives us
- To discuss the images of God’s creation- especially wheat and grapes that become bread and wine- displayed during Ordinary Time
- To define celebrate, liturgical year, and Ordinary TIme