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Thank You SJCS Supporters!
Uploaded Feb 09, 2016 to Support SJCSThe Knight Fund helps our students fulfill their dreams!
Uploaded Nov 13, 2015 to Support SJCSSee how your gifts from last year's campaign were put to good use in the classroom and how they are directly benefitting your children today!
Uploaded Nov 11, 2014 by The Knight Fund to Support SJCSHere are some of the third grade students singing and signing a song we learned in the first week of school. They would like to share God’s love with you.
Uploaded Sep 10, 2018Our students thank you for your generosity in supporting our school.
Uploaded May 06, 2014We did it! Watch the video to find out how much the Knight Fund Campaign raised this year! Thank you for your generosity and support!
Uploaded Feb 11, 2015 to Support SJCSListen to the questions and answers and sing along!
Your goal is to recognize the question and provide your answer.