Showing all videos (Page 16)
And this is why we love science!❤️
The waiting, the patience, the observations!❤️
Each month the children will be bringing home an interactive poem to share with their family. September's poem is about five little apples and one very hungry worm!
Uploaded Sep 26, 2018 by Julie FeelyOur Great Wall of China wrapped around our classroom, and went through our early elementary hallway!❤️
Uploaded Jan 24, 2023 by Kris BeyerWe had to dance to the Gummy Bear Song before our Teddy Bear Tea!
Uploaded Apr 04, 2019 by Julie FeelyWe are learning how to do the Sign of the Cross properly. We learned that the Holy Spirit always hugs us when we do it correctly!
Uploaded Aug 30, 2018 by Julie FeelyDeveloping letter/sound awareness with lots of different experiences!
Uploaded Jan 19, 2023 by Kris BeyerRocking to the Itsy Bitsy Spider!
Uploaded Oct 01, 2018 by Julie Feely